Ring Groups
Menu: Apps -> Ring Groups
Ring Groups can be set up to ring multiple registered endpoints.
Ring groups use the database to get the list of destinations to call on demand.
SQlite and Postgres databases can be read natively. MySQL requires ODBC.
Setup ODBC according to: Using_ODBC_in_the_core
Create an ODBC connection for the SkyPBX database. Usually give the DSN name SkyPBX.
In SkyPBX go to the menu Advanced -> Databases.
- Driver: odbc
- Type: mysql or postgres
- Name: SkyPBX (the name of the ODBC DSN)
- username: use the database username
- password: use the database password
NOTE: Do not enter hostname, port or any fields other than those listed above. Doing so may result in DB connectivity errors, such as "DBH NOT Connected" in FS_CLI
After saving the SkyPBX ODBC DSN information in Advanced -> Databases it will create a config.lua script. You can view the config.lua file with the script editor. To get to the script edit use the menu navigate to Advanced -> Script Editor. From the script editor look in the resources directory. Click on the config.lua you should see the information you provided in the Databases tool. If you are looking for the config.lua file from the file system its in the sky/scripts/resources directory.
Name Simply the meaningful name of the Ring group (shows after the Extension in menu selections).
Extension the Dial-able extension for this group standard config states as a 2-7 number extension
Strategy The selectable way in which the destinations are being used.
Simultaneous [description needed] Sequence Where order that is lower goes first [description needed] Enterprise [description needed] Rollover [description needed] Random [description needed]
Destinations The extensions that this ring group applies to.
Prompt where you determine if the call must have a dial to confirm before a pickup event
CID Name Prefix the string that is added to the caller ID when it displays on the ringing extension
CID Number Prefix the Number that is added to the caller ID when it displays on the ringing extension
Ring Back What the caller hears when they are waiting for the Destinations Extensions to answer
Context the grouping that this ring group will search as specified in the configuration of your Extensions (if this excludes an extension it will not ring)
To troubleshoot ring groups should check the Sky Networks cli to see if you are getting errors.
File permissions can prevent the file from being updated. Make sure that the web server has access to write tot he sky/scripts directory and sub-directories.
Test the odbc connection with isql SkyPBX being the name of the DSN you may also need to provide the username and password to the database.
isql -v SkyPBX username password